[KCD2] In reality, was it plausible to masterstrike a riposte?
[KCD2] Ran away when I got trouble during the hermit quest
[KCD2] I really hope that Warhorse goes through the enemy NPCs and finds all of the ones that are incorrectly flagged as civilians. I have never once murdered an innocent, but I have 123 "civilians" killed on my crime page.
With an isolated USA, where is safer: the UK or Australia?
[KCD2] Did your Henry ever do dirty to someone who saved his life?
Why do hens with human birth more eggs than hens in the wild?
JD Vance faces backlash as he invokes ancient Catholic concept of Ordo Amoris
Was Dostoevsky a true Orthodox Christian?
what if portugal didnt give up macau?
Being a teenage history geek was hard at times when your parents had no idea what Chalcedonianism is, even though they both were Chalcedonian.
52nd State
What if Japan refused to surrender?
What if Spain had invaded China?
Why was the Chinese army so small (relative to its population) during WW2?
Marshall's League, aka What if the League of Nations wasn't useless?
how many ancient empires would it take to defeat Modern day USA?
What if Japan invaded the USSR on December 7th, 1941?
Why did Stick Grenades fall out of favor?
Did native americans experience infectious disease less frequently than people from the Old World, before the Columbian exchange?
It's 1921, and Edward, Prince of Wales (the future Edward VIII) announces that he wishes to marry. His beloved is none other than Princess Toshiko, the daughter of Emperor Meiji of Japan. How do his ministers and the British public react?
The most best way on Reddit to get upvotes is to include female anime characters. The second best way is to crush terrorists.
What if the U.S. nuked the hell out of the PRC in the Korean War? What if MacArthur was allowed to do what he wanted?
How effective was the Japanese air defence system in WWII?
Challenge:Make fascism have a comeback before 1975.
The sin of Sodom is not homosexuality