I'll make Ref sheet of your OC (human/furr)
What do you guys think of this
The Letterbox taglines for the Shin series
Tfw you realize Universal gave Fast & Furious Supercharged in Hollywood a more respectful closure than Six Flags gave Kingda Ka
What’s some of your comfort horror movies?
Which Prowler face is the best
Are there any films that you consider to be the Anti-Whisper of the Heart.
Drawing some OCS :)
How smart are your OCs?
I will draw your oc
New Dinosaur OC
When talking about Schaffrillas opinions that haven't aged well, one I haven't seen brought up is when he originally rated Rise of Skywalker a 5/10
(Arachnophobia Warning) Down for drawing Rhena?
How would your OC react to Rhena?
Y'all have any OC I can draw? Biased towards feminine humanoids
Let me draw your oc!
Hiring OCs as killer butlers/maids! (Rules on next page)
Two recent art of my OCs
What are they reacting to (wrong answers only)
(Arachnophobia Warning) Wanna draw Rhena?
I’ll draw some OCS!(Art examples below)
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
What did Ava see that made this her reaction?
Studying an art course atm and want to practice what I learn throughout the course. Send your characters please.