Who do you think is more evil between these two?
Does your parents act like nothing happened everything is fine and then gaslights you when you confront them?
What are things people do in public that immediately make you judge them/dislike them
What is a life saving fact that can save one's life?
What is biggest high school regrets?
Does Anyone Find That They Have Not Been The Same Person Ever Since 2020?
DAE feel like they have been worse ever since 2020?
Stop seeking validation from others
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Do anyone feel this?
Do You Gen X also feel this way about your parents?
Anyone who has boomer parents feels this? Because I do
How do people work the same job 9 to 5 for 50 years till they turn 60s and not go crazy?
How do people work the same job 9 to 5 for 50 years till they turn 60 and not go crazy?
How many of you guys have parents with undiagnosed and untreated bpd too and passed it down to you?
What always happens in movies and video games but never in real life