MGSV Ground Zeroes
Kids today think Metal Gear is Ghost Recon characters in Fortnite.
If you could add on things to the game what would you add?
"She can see each individual blade." The game is asking us to notice what direction the Ceiling Fans and Helicopter blades spin.
MGSV is a dream that takes place under a hospital ceiling fan.
I never noticed that The Fury's suit looks a little bit like the sneaking suit
Say something negative about this game
I just noticed something with Chico.......
ever feel disappointed that this could have been the metal gear rising we could've had
Is Huey Emmerich innocent for Ground Zero’s incident?
In a perfect world we’d get a Peace Walker remake in the Fox Engine
Does this bother anyone else?
MGSV and its wasted potential made me feel hollow
Kinda sad we'll probably never get Portable Ops Delta
A song that would have fit mgsv so well
For everyone who buys into this Venom=Gray Fox/Chico theory.
Directorial differences between Ground Zeroes & The Phantom Pain
What’s your favorite skin in ninja gaiden and would want to make a return in NG4
Chico is gray fox
Remember, Deep Learning software DOES NOT FACT-CHECK its results, so expect INCONSISTENCIES
Convinced ChatGPT after 41 messages that invisible is truly in MGSV.
Do you still remember back when Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was called Metal Gear Solid: Rising Who was still curious what kind of game this could have been? I remember them revealing this trailer:
I wonder what peace Walker will be like when that’s remade.
Josh Hollaway was perfect choice to play Snake in a movie
Do y'all remember Metal Gear Online or the Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker co-op? Remember badass moves like the Human Slingshot? Would you want it back?