What jazz album would you recommend to someone who listens to classical music?
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Psychedelics and addiction
Has anybody any idea where this might be from, or who is the artist ( if its not AI ... ) ?
The Box has the Key
Lucky to have this 😇
Who are you writing to?
Should I pass this student?
Got out of an emotionally abusive relationship - my journal is the first to hear about everything.
Using The Marijuana Components THC-V And CBD Every Day Helps People Lose Weight, Study Finds - Marijuana Moment
Seven cannabis strains that could help treat insomnia
Help us choose a winner of family paint night! 1-5
Older people
An Autobiography that Surprised You With How Good It Was
What was the most profound insight/ change u have made after learning/realizing or coming to terms with something from a psychedelic experience?
my favourite self portrait
Looking for books where depression is a central theme
Wanting to read more, but it feels like wasted time - SMAB that is productive?
I own more than 2000+ books
Sci-Fi with real science
Hello to the guy in front of me at the symphony tonight that was visibly on Reddit
What should I start with?
Suggest me a book which will help me overcome doomerism
Any good classical music radio stations bes¡des ClassicFM?
Question about Guy I Knew