Incredible what Artificial Intelligence Deepfake Technology can do
POV: You just logged in on Runescape after the Rollback
12,500 hours of progress over a little over 6 years, I finally achieved my Master Trimmed Completionst Cape.
Full Elite Clue Log Completed at 62,181 Elites!
RIP Rory Sykes
Let me train in peace pls
Mostly Revo++ solo 100% Zamorak
You forgot to nerf one more thing in the Wilderness
Mod Stu - The Enlightened
Most annoying / frustrating achievements
zomg. this frog is jacked
It's going to be an expensive month
Cannot log-in after the update. Screen stuck at "Signing In"
New Croesus achievement suggestion
"We learnt from Abyssal Lords"
Back from a break, headed over to the merchant for the first time in months...spam bought all items, and couldn't believe what I saw in my invent!
Fellow World Guardians, we did it.
The Necklace of Salamancy transforms you into a salamander BUT you can also walk and teleport while transformed
The possibility to combine the Trimmed Completionist Cape with the Igneous Kal-Zuk cape
Footage of me doing RoTs solo
When you're a DJ but you also love to play Runescape
The butterfly net :/
Whirligig (Scarabs skating on the water) should be instanced and not be shared with others