Experience Ruined 😢😭😿
Smart and handsome, oh Mother monster your taste 🫰
Advice needed: ID came back with a quote of 54k. Now what?
Not mentioning Gaga is crazy
Am I Doing Something Wrong?
D-pad glitch
Anyone's portal graphics do this?
I love my Portal!!
Just ordered mine
Finally got mine
Man I’m having an annoying d-pad issue! (video)
Ps Portal input latency help.
Gripes with Recently Purchased Backbone and PS Portal
WiFi issues
The difference between the views and the streams just shows how YouTube fell off and streaming took over
Exactly why I will never go digital.
Trying To Understand DLC & Region Sprcifics
Does everyone use a hard shell or silicone case?
One year later, but I finally got it! Incredible experience.
For anyone getting lag or blurry picture quality…..
In love with this game and this device! (FFIX)
Home from work, portal time
Thinking of buying a ps portal
Got it two days ago, finally able to use it 🥰
how long have you been a little monster for?