Austrian actress Marie Schleinzer poses proudly in.her taxidermy bat costume. Circa early 1900s.
Hello beautiful
Constant flights by Guadeloupe Island
French rafale escorting B52s
Room smells like foul eggs, how to seal hole?
What is the cruelest response someone had to you opening up about your trauma?
Why is london so quiet? Is there an explanation?
What’s the best UK street sign you’ve seen?
Me. For living in my house at 90ppm CO in the house and 180ppm CO in the basement for like 6 months
Art of the dynamic squeak?
How many actual friends do you have?
Strange house in the middle of nowhere.
Best USA fighter plane in WWII?
What's the most stupid thing you've ever seen on a local Facebook page?
Village dwellers of the UK: What's the most ridiculous thing that the Parish Council has tried to do/ impose on the village?
What else can I do to my abarth?
I don’t get the F-35 hate.
Coming to DCS in 2025 & Beyond - What's your guesses for tomorrow's trailer teaser?
I'm sure his mom says he's a "gentle giant"
Spin off ideas
The human body is a masterpiece of engineering self healing, adaptable, and incredibly intelligent.
My first car
I think I might have TMJ?
Different Attitudes Dependant On Car?
Why would the rage virus fail in real life?