What are some of the most beautiful songs in history?
Which movie title becomes the most ridiculous when you add “& the Chocolate Factory” to the end of it?
The government has decided everyone needs an emotional support animal, but it has to be a completely impractical creature. What’s your new companion?
Tiny Pants Vance
No now starter activities
Mistakes of someone who dyes their hair for the first time
There’s no way this show isn’t fixed
Apparently limbo skating is a thing
"I've had more boat hooks than you've had hot dinners"
Real Life Vinted Interaction
We have been lied to
So what is everyone's current hobby or obsession?
More plague and diseases for grandpa! ☣️
Taylor Swift Reacts to Being Booed for the first time ever.
Said “what’s wrong with you” to a group of boys - what should I do?
Who did millenials look upto prior to the advent of influencers?
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
Staff worship time around the Orange Jesus.
What was the last album of new music that you really connected with?
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
JAN 25 - Shop/Strain Review
If you had a warning label attached to you, what would it say?
The Apprentice 2025 - Episode 1: ‘Austria Tours’ (Thursday 30th January)