What does 'low', 'med', and 'high' dif actually mean?
Daily reminder that Naruto is an absolute fraud and can never clutch it out in a 1v1. How are you gonna be the main character but never win a fight? 💀
How strong is Kid Temari?
Rank these 9 on a scale of 0-100 based on how strong they are.
Give me the name of any character and i'll tell you how Itachi loses to them
8th gates Guy should not be used for any sort of argument… here’s why
C vs Kurenai! Who wins? Both are bloodlusted
Reminder That It Required 5 Of Madara's Giant Fire Dragons Simultaneously To Give Tsunade Slight Surface Level Burn Wounds
Who’s Stronger
Yall just hating
War arc Sakura with Kyuubi auto defend cloak and strength/ speed boost runs a gauntlet. She receives a fresh heal/chakra after R3. Does she clear? Read description for R1 and R2.
In your opinion, who is the weakest low-kage level character?
Can Hokage Minato all by himself solo the 5 Kage that fought Madara?
Itachi vs Hokage minato
What's the worst glaze you've ever seen for a character's scaling? For me, I once saw someone claim hokage Minato would beat Juubito
How far would MCU Thanos with all 6 infinity stones go in Naruto and Boruto? Thanos CANNOT use the snap and let's say the infinity stones work in this universe
Who could go toe to toe against a Tailed Beast like this guy?
Legit question. Could Sakura survive getting cutting in half like Tsunade?
DMS Kakashi vs 8th gate guy
Is minato just the best?
Beginning of Shippuden Hinata vs. Beginning of Shippuden Sakura
Reminder that Sasuke had at least 3 chances to kill Deidara if he wanted to
Who would win kid Hinata or kid Sakura?
Proof War Arc Sakura is a Top Tier in the Verse
Give me some of the craziests takes you've seen lately, I'll go first