First swatch with sc, hdc, dc, tr, and dtr stitches. Looking for constructive criticism, tips, tricks and first project recommendations.
Beginner here! I've been watching videos on how to hold the working yarn and chain. I've tried.. and tried. This is what is feeling most comfortable for me. Is this okay? TYIA tips and tricks welcome.
First single stich swatch with a 4mm hook. Looking for some constructive criticism, tips, tricks, etc.
How do you guys get enough fat?
Ovulation questions and fertility
Pork shoulder temp raised to 140 in 3 hours at 225. Feel like that's too fast?
Advice on caring for a momma that had a c-section and lost 5 out of 7 of her babies. She's being a great momma, I've just not yet experienced this and want to make sure I am doing everything I can for her and her pups. TYIA
How many puppies can you see?
What kind of supplements do you give your dam for healthy lactation? Also formula recommendations would be very helpful! TYIA
Southern Magnolia bouquet