Can you believe that American almost elected a President that owns that grinder?
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GOAT subtle but comedic one-liners
Thats right cocksucker, go back to Ukraine
A Rube Goldberg
Selfie with a dead person
You can’t teach an old dad new tricks
Honda fit for a road trip woth dirt roads? Is this a ok idea?
I feel like these three should’ve had sex to be more important to the plot
I feel like these three were meant to be more important to the plot
Men were men back then, I'll tell ya. If you wanted to do something private with another man, it wasn't gay. No, it was just two men celebrating each other's strength.
Anyone forget their piece in a customers house?
Larry David is Uncle Junior.
I don't think Kevin's career is as a pundit is working out. Maybe he should go back to doing watch videos with Teddy.
This belongs here
Same dude
“Did Russia invade Ukraine?” Steve Feinberg, nominee for U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, struggled to answer a simple question.
Ocean sunset
Funniest line in the entire series?
Gotta be one of the most pointless bed campers I have ever seen
Can't believe we got a House anime adaptation
Which espresso machine is this?
What am I fodder for coffee nerds now?
Watching the horizon while heading to Antarctica
ocean breeze
i think this is what heaven looks like