Huge bang in Turners Cross area?
I know it sounds cliche, but I wonder if Eli's t-shirt slogan would have had some kind of profound significance to the overall narrative of SGU?
Rousseau doesn’t remember info Claire already told her.
Am I only the only one who has a problem with these mods?
What is Lavos' origin? 🤔
So what was up with Gordon Cole having an unsettling vision of Laura crying?
Missing person
While I like Reddit, I find I am just stuck in cyclical thought loops.
Flash Sideways Question
I need you to make another one 🌕 ☹
I wonder of Nu is a singular entity that is immortal/extradimensional and earns the name Spekkio eventually.
Log Lady intro 21 (s02e13)“When i see a fire, i feel my anger rising This was not a friendly fire… This was not a forest fire…”
fuckin morons everywhere 💖
Jolinar's Memories concept art
I like to think that if Rush and Kavanaugh met under different circumstances they would have made a good team.
Makes about as much sense as a "boneless" chicken wing
White Rabbit
Weird smell
Moving out: Epilogue.
We have a visitor 🪄 ✨
I like to get the "Reunion" ending, so I get a good lead into Radical Dreamers.
What plot points were just casually ignored by the LOST writers due to how nonsensical they were?
I like how Knight Rider blends in seamlessly with the world of Back To The Future despite them being two different premises
Found on a stroll in Midleton. Art piece or nut job? Don't know.
This kid understood Twin Peaks, no doubt.