How long yall giving me until my laptop ceases?
How big are the chances that the update comes next week? (Start of march)
I call this one “The Richard Nixon”
Religious gifts
Names should be less random and should actually be related to the worlds history
Did I get the release date correct?
When is the WorldBox Update coming out?
Maxim, I have a direct question just for you. Well maybe a few questions.
Am I the only one annoyed by the "dev glaze"
Genealogy and evolution in other games
I wanna know how to say her name
This is why you never give humans nukes and firearms
The king is sus
How is bro older than the world?!
So ladies and gentlemen tomorrow is February 15th
How do u think the gene loci is going to work?
Nobody talks about this
believe, u FOOLS - update comes on April Fools'? (and other schizo theories)
Something interesting about Gandalf hints, (February 17th and more)
What map should I use?
Genetics Update
What do you lot think about books?, i think there real useful, and can prob add intense lore to your world if your like me (lore guy*
I Know When the Update Release is (February 15th)
Does anyone else think world box on gaming consoles would be amazing?(Xbox, ps, switch) Even bigger worlds more power to run huge populations and more complex updates