Favorite Voiceline? From @Personafandom on Twitter
A sausage never misses.
What would Protag do on 1/31?
How did Strega survive falling off the bridge?
I recently saw a post about how every pokémon is someone’s favorite and I thought it was so wholesome. Who is that villager for you?
Was rewatching S6, and found a funny interaction between Kevin and Scott. What are these two discussing about?
Hii! I'm unsure on who to romance, what are your romance choice and why? No spoilers pretty please!
Beat p5r, playing this tomorrow, anything i need to know as my second persona game
Every time
11/4 Do I Have Enough Time To Max Social Links?
If you could choose a stage to return to the game, which would you choose?
What do my romances say about me (Is it obvious and I never played persona 4)
The lamb always wins...
What returning mechanics do you want in P6?
Didn’t Realize Kenji was Romance-able
What Did They Add in P3R That You Loved?
Spotify auto-playing podcasts I don't listen to instead of what I was listening to when I get into my car
Things You Wish P3R Did Differently
Please just say one o'clock (or whatever time equivalent) instead of trying to give some elaborate description of how to turn the tower.
Are there any surprises left? (Heavy spoilers)
Who's the hottest character in Tekken?
Name me something and I will try and trace it back to Kingdom Hearts (image probably related)
This would be nice
Which favorite costumes would you like to bring back for your mainers in Tekken 8?