How to increase my deep sleep?
Does anyone else’s cat enjoy hanging their legs? Anyone know why?
Why is my cat’s face suddenly covered in white hair?
Can anyone tell me what my chart says about me?
Let’s see before and after pictures of your cats’ as babies!
Heartbroken and want to watch a Bridgerton-like movie
My Fancast Michael
I’ve traumatised myself by viewing my mother’s body in order to say goodbye. How to deal with this?
Should I go back??
What's that book for you..
Please tell me an amazing medium experience you’ve had.
AIO or did I hold myself accountable in these messages?
Is anyone else’s life just falling apart after losing a loved one?
Cancer sucks.
Pisces gang, what Myers Briggs personality are you??
What do you do to honor them on their birthday?
How much medication are you taking, and which type? How long have you been on it?
What does my chart say about my romantic relationships and parenthood in the future?
My partner’s character
What meds can help with this??
Overanalyzing things my partner says
ROCD about Feminism
bf could be a bad person for some people, but i was totally chill about it, till rocd arrived. anyone like me?
Anybody find it hard to be “playful”?
ROCD w/ False memory OCD