Just re-watched for the 5th time, Nate....
Can we all agree on Roy’s blanket
Alternative to Catrina’s Mexican Grill while it’s closed?
protesting james river church
Home barista’s aren’t baristas
venti caramel ribbon crunch extra caramel extra crunch
AITA for refusing to cover up my body on vacation?
Immigration arrests in Springfield conducted by DEA and ICE
Workout Buddy
Today's City Hall Protest
Sounds like the writers are onto something here😆😆😆
What’s one thing you would change about Springfield?
Visiting Springfield, from KC
90 lbs down, thanks to IF
Introduced my brother to the show and it’s hilarious
Wrong color cover + missing recliner parts
Bill to put a bounty on some immigrants
There's nothing wrong with a batista course
What’s your Ted Lasso opinion that’s going to have the community react like this?
Just a quick thought.
Alternatives to Target and Walmart
TIL a woman claimed three of her toes, which had been amputated 8 years before, miraculously grew back, prompting a man to create ShowMeTheToes.com to demand proof.
Just adopted 7 month old iggy
For those of you who hate it here, what makes you stay?