Covers of the Stones
My Nextdoor neighbour
Fans who were alive to see Marino play, was he as good as everyone says he was?
What songs would you consider "Perfect"?
Greatest American Bands of all time?
Why do not a lot of people prefer the Brian Jones era
Which version of Nevermind sounds best on Spotify? I am told the original isn’t on Spotify
I was watching Peppa Pig with my younger brother and I noticed this hidden gem🤣🤣
Can we talk about how you met your narc?
How do I stay current, but also reduce my feed from all the politics going on in the US right now? It's hard to keep up..
What potential legislation do you think could actually help prevent therapy abuse?
Take notice when people say don't be friends with your therapist
ex fiancé messaged me last night and it wrecked me
If you could have been in the studio with the Stones for one song?
Teenage setup done
What are YOUR musical Era’s?
Dating your spouse is a thing, right?
I don’t! Never did since December 2023. Ffs!
How many people would do this
monkey man intro
Are there other songs besides Time Waits For No One that the Stones have not played live?
AITA for telling my coworkers they are behaving unprofessionally?
Am I responsible for my abuse?
Exile on Main Street: disc 1 or disc 2?