I love these two. That's it, that's the post.
In the rain by (the absolutely amazing) LC-Holy (that is Adrien and not Felix, just saying)
I LOVE & STAND by Agustin for this scene.
Basically Pysomedian in a nutshell:
When will Luka's knowledge of their identities come into play? (been over 3 yrs & 40 eps)
A long time ago, I'd asked this question...when do you think THE reveal will take place?
Do you think that Socqueline will return in the upcoming episodes?
What moment in the show had you like this?
What would you call this squad?
Season 6 fan posters
2 people got me the same Cat Noir hoodie for Christmas
This scene
i love when the animation looks like this
“She’s just a friend” disease spreads to other fandoms fanfics lmao
Why doesn't Chat Noir 'De-evilize' the akumas?
It's Kirishima's Birthday today! Let's give our manly man some compliments/love!
Okay guys I fixed him🐈⬛💚 #ClawNoir
The movie was different than the show... but in a good way?
I just watched the movie and compared to the finale of S5, the movie's ending stands at the top.
What are your thoughts on Sabrina's redemption arc? Do you accept her as the dog miraculous wielder?
Has anyone ever thought of this theory
How different would Miraculous and its writing be if directed to a teen/young adult-based audience?
Do you think CN will finally be given a 'proper' role on the team, in S6? (Spoilers for S5 Finale)
Am I the only one that thought Zoe was Emily at first?
[OC] Shes so powerful