0.33% probability, or once every 296 days
Hela is back and taking cubes !
Glenn’s response to Guardians being everywhere in Sanctum.
What dumping all of your gold into one deck for 2 years gets you..
When they hit with their Negasonic on turn 3.
Anybody else get headaches seeing stuff like this?
How did she do it?
I didn’t hate this card until Sanctum Showdown came out.
Jamaican Tour Guide.
Does anyone's else Corgi's belly drag against the mud lol
Is this ai
Dave just gave good insight into this week's earnings.
In his appearance in season 1, Battle Beast's voice had a THICK bass to it. Is there any in-universe explanation as to why it is no longer there last episode?
Who wrote this and why did we let them cook?
The bug preventing Splitting if you owned all 130 possible Splits before Character Mastery has been patched today. These are my first new Rockets in 186 days.
Instant buy. Any other Hipp lovers?
Redwing is broken.
Captain America Brave New World - Hollywood World Premiere
Ben won the island game
“Mastery” should unlock Unique effects exclusive to the Character. For example, Bananas should only be for Hit-Monkey.
Why didnt MiB just leave on the sub?
This is what a F2P hoarding looks like
What is your favorite variants in snap? Mine is definitely Sweeney Boo variants
Corgi owners…. How many of you have a corgi because of this guy???…. lol….
God, this felt so good.