Just one quick idea .Sith reads the holocron
my jedi council. i still miss it a lot :/
Sir The ambassadors are Jedi knights, I believe.
obrázek který jsem namaloval
Father and son.
everyone says this is the stupidest Jedi ever. but the fact that he tried to jump in there like that with the intention of killing Count Dooko in the first place is not the Jedi way at all right ? XD
Opinion on my first sculp ?
Ahoj otázka.
Drawing everyday until I become Kubo: day 53
I dont see any diferent 😏😄
My collection from when I was 10
Here is my entire minifig collection, anything you like?
I finished it!
Still one of my favorites spaceship. Wich one is yours ?
How did you guys got your permanent crew?
HG lvl 70-100 how long?
Where are all the hackers that I see so much in this sub?
What ship does everyone usually have the best experienced on in HG?
Česká vlajka
Ahoj keříci omlouvám se udělal jsem na zakázku Evie ale moc se mi nepovedla
Ahoj potřeboval jsem vyzkoušet nové pastelky a tak mě napadlo nakreslit svůj starý dnes už možná docela og skin 😅 nedopadlo to nejlíp ale i tak budu rád za každou kritiku a názor 🙂
How long will it take me to get to lvl 100 on servants of the flame ?
Nakreslil som Naruta, Agenta Peelyho a Marshmella. Koho mám nakresliť nabudúce?
Ahoj nový výkres Naruto