And they're both 10/10 albums
How do you call this in your language?
My results ✨ and pic
What are some metal albums that most people don’t like that you actually appreciate? (Trigger warning)
Entre a un foro de españoles hablando de Perú y miren lo que dicen …
Cómo conseguir amigos para hacer algo los fines de semana
Why are these not available?
How do indigenous people in your country identify?
Black Moroccan grandma results + Pics of us together
Who’s the most respected metal band?
Got any idea why Delusions of Saviour got so popular?
Why I love 80s Anthrax
What is the reason behind the fast rise of violent crime in Peru?
Di algo funable pero cierto de Lima o Perú
What is the least metal album you enjoy?
How would you review Summer In Paradise? Give it a rating out of 10 too
Will The Kinks' Think Visual and UK Jive ever be remastered?
Por qué muchos limeños le llaman "provincias" a las "zonas andinas"?
How would you review Still Cruisin? Give it a rating out of 10 too
Conero actualmente no es el lugar donde vives, sino una forma de vida
Mi tierlist de lima y sus distritos
Do you guys like sabotage?
Por qué los venezolanos deciden irse a Perú?
1:28 This song’s main riff is such a banger, actually whole song is so underrated
Mi "Tier list" de todos los distritos de Lima 😎