Um... hi
What do you want to see in lesbian porn?
Do you guys accept gynosexuality
Medications other than typical anti-androgens that prevent erections?
How bout I do, anyway?
How to perform oral sex on women?
"A day in the life of a childless woman"
Ah yes, the cure to all mental ailments is a masculine man
That's a lot of partners
🚨Attention please🚨
Lack of young trans girls here?
does this count?
So tired of seeing grown ass men on twitter preach about what a woman wants when it’s clear they’ve never spoke to one.
Because peoples hobbies cant include watching TV or doing their nails 🙄
Video essay about jogging: the woman in the video states she feels unsafe jogging around male strangers. These responses are disgusting
Have you ever felt this? / Poly breakups
Just Described Myself as an Involuntary Penis Wielder
Men have all the pain smh
What do you think about this
This cluster of comments....
idk if this has been posted before but i saw this on another sub and…
So sick of posts asking "How do I have sex with trans people?"
What does that even mean?
What should I do? I feel so uncomfortable and it bugs me all day..