Beetle Limit when? We got hit by 12 Fire Beetles from one trio in Bounty Clash
How much you spend alone?
Has anyone fixed the New VOIP bug? All teammates are on 5% volume
36 animals that became extinct due to human activity
Bless you
What's an example of a cameo you felt was incredibly wasted?
Size doesn't matter...
Chat GPT's attempt at slagging us off
How to get free drinks
Tom from MySpace
Grand Canyon versus Copper Mine
They've been called worse
John Wick | Dragons Breath Scene
1865 Carbine is Wild
Deadpool + Wolverine Bloopers/Outtakes (OC)
"I regret having kids" Opinions?
“Opportunity is everywhere. The key is to develop the vision to see it.”
I've just finished the show for the first time ever - this is the best TV I've ever watched
Better Picture of The Oarfish (Signal A Bad Omen, Impending Doom)
To play basketball properly
Yerson Mosquera chokes a player and then tries to finger another. Doesn't even get a yellow card for either situation.
Teachers are quitting their jobs in droves - as new generation of delinquent students push their patience to the limit
How do you make doggystyle more enjoyable?
If you're a tall person does that mean nutrition labels aren't accurate for you?