What character do you hate/dislike but still play out of necessity?
The reason Raiden ghosted her for 500 years ~ (@ryuichikung)
Mavuitano as Sauroform Warriors ~ (@Starfish_3)
What did they mean by this?
Lack of Promo Lumine
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Ah yes... So many choices in this game is hard to decide sometimes...
I got Lan Yan on the first pull. lol
Soulmates ~ (@seraphyaa)
Ganyu wants you to pull for her
Capitano in another life ~ (@VyeCos)
Capitano in another life~
Big boyfriend ~ (@Stars4993)
Citlali cosplay ~ (@roku_roku0217)
What’s he thinking about?
She’s good at cooking! ~ (@zakkuri24)
He is not dead
Going on a trip! ~ (@takumi_art)