If DC Comics announced a Doctor Who x DC crossover comic which Doctor should they use and which DC character or team should they meet? Also who would the villain or villains be?
Pokemon Personality Quiz!
Now that some time has passed, Do you think the Richard E. Grant cameo was just that? or are you expecting it to lead into a bigger picture?
When scientific Marxism just ain't scientific
You know that one Christmas special?
French politics
Nihilism is for cowards
This could only end well for everyone involved
Though on this Christmas political compass?
Become Ungovernable?
Hi, it is not over!
jreG conflict fan art
Which Team Here Is Winning In A Fight?
guess my ideology based on my playlist
Who would win?
Ergibt ja so gar keinen Sinn...
The disappointing reality of therapy
"I'm gonna move to Canada/Europe to escape this fascist hellhole" - People who have never left the U.S.
Culture trend
Und? Machen sie das?
Europe First Moment
Do it.
Forget about that tall boys concept, she is cheating
Day 3: Posting a meme every day until the BBC puts Fear Her back on iPlayer
Choose one and say why