Robô Fifi: ideia boa com execução podre
Desisto desse BBB - Elenco flopou, mas o público flopou mais ainda.
Em quem você vai votar pra receber uma fofoca do Seu Fifi?
Gente ela merecia sair, não acredito
Se Vitória ficar e o Diogo sair, a casa da Camilla e da Thamires cai por completo
eu amo esses jurados parciais
Minha mãe ainda me trata como criança
Vitória Strada tem crise de choro no BBB 25: 'A gente vai sempre ser opção por conta de mim' | dentro da casa | gshow
Magebombs were a problem (November 1, 2006)
Why is this still a standard in Tibia?
This happened on Bona this morning
Disappointed. That's all...
About CIPSOFT mass unbanning. It hit different this time.
Haven't played since i was a kid. Thinking about playing again...
Account sharers should be banned?
What do you think would be the endgame level?
Did they change much free credit you get?
Exchanging TC can result in a ban?
How I imagine I look like when hunting sphinx vs how I actually look like
Is This Normal? Extorted for Real Money (via TC) in Tibia
Series Drop question
Data Analytics: What is the best Knight weapon per level range and best elemental?
Profit event The Lightbearer (8 accounts created all full)
6k tokens. What would you buy?
Is copycat worth one key?