"Dynamite did lower than NXT because everyone can just catch up on MAX but sadly it's not included."
There's only one man who can restore Dynamite to 1 milly
The Dub didn't do so great last night, but only because it did not include MAX.
WON: Tony’s check is late, DUB old. 14.99 please
I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Yuta looks great!
The tantrums will continue until morale improves
Baron Corbin was a long time WON subscriber.
POV: You’re about to be hit with levels of badassery never seen before
Who needs long term storytelling when you can sell out an event 74 days away?
Tony Khan: “What did I ever do in this world to deserve empty-headed fucks like Liam Coen and Ben Johnson to go out on TwiX and turn down my dad’s head coaching job?”
And that’s the bottom line because Stone Cold Sapp said so
“Brit Baker is in the bottom of my toy box and it’s not personal ”- WON
I already hate MAX. Are the additional 5 million viewers not enough for them?
One of the pillars of the pro wrestling and Sammy Guevara.
Another dream match! Thank you Tony Khan! Adam Cole vs [luchador that I know for sure and I don't pretend that I know every CMLL/AAA dude that appears on AEW TV] - WOW! This will feed families!!!
Can't even Sellout a stadium. Should consider making this a netflix special. FED DEAD.
Out jerked by Khantanamo Bay prisoner Rey Fénix
See! M’Tony was right in not booking this psychotic lunatic!
Kenny is such a draw, he ONLY runs off 128,000! WE ARE SO BACK!!!!
AEW Vs. NBA Twitter Pt.2?
The words “Pay Per View” were no longer used
Adam Silver to Khan: Ya that doesn't work for me, brother
That's right! Only we in the Dub we have joint p... oh. ANYWAY FED BAD THEY WILL BUY TNA
AARP is new Dub faction
It's Wednesday Night, You Know What That Means!