Chat is this good?
Codes codes codes
Now that Daima is over, how would you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10? And what is your opinion on the series overall?
anyone want my code cards?
Awakened Pulls from last night
Wife and I were opening packs and she pulled this....
New! Something valuable here?
10 Blisters of New Adventure, Nice Pulls
Vegito need some better units
Ima need some help picking who
I'm literally shaking right now
Which billionaire are you most excited to die on the battlefield for?
Soooo…….this happened
Pity advice
We are number 1!
Give me a random unknown anime and I'll blindly rate it
How was your summon.....No more stones=No more summon..
Coin question
Thoughts on coining, whos got the highest Stocks. Leaning to Broly.
How are you guys doing with summons?