Who will become the strongest?
Which team wins?
Which fusion would win?
Which Death Battle S10 winner would win?
Who wins this FFA? (Episode 1 only)
Name a character that beats mikasa in a battle.
What’s a verse that you wish that this sub wasn’t so bias against?
Saitama (One Punch Man) vs Stars and Stripes (My Hero Academia)
Rimuru (anime) vs ainz (anime) who would win?
The fact he's not even joking
Which Team Wins?
Is this a Spite Match???
Mako solos your favourite verse
What characters can defeat Scarlet King?
How far does Scarlet King get into this gauntlet
Who wins
Scarlet King
How far can Shiraori go?
All my Scarlet King (shit bum) hating
Agreed, Sukuna would get no diffed by a peanutless Anya.
Just why?
Who wins?
Does this bother anyone else besides me?
I actually did my research this time and turns out they are all tier: high 1A. Who would’ve guessed? (Scp vs backrooms)