Kayce got Osama Bin Laden.
Antenna Analizer
Loren & Faith are together in the Philippines.
Fetterman says there 'isn't a constitutional crisis' with the Trump administration
Fitting an off-center Dipole in Attic
This guy can't do anything, not even wear a hat properly
Michigan fans out of the state of Michigan where are you?
“lol” he said. “lmao”
Shifting Gears
All-Time Lions, Day 3: Loved By Fans, Bad Player
Don Brandon
Yaesu Programming Software
Joey turning back from the airport for alcohol
Should TLC replace Shaun Robinson as the Tell All host? She isn’t charismatic, doesn’t seem to want even want to be there and doesn’t chime in where she really should. If you think TLC should replace her, who do you think would be a better host?
TN07 MyGo2 Antenna
Loren: Gonorhea!!!
Getting this out of the way now. See you next season, y'all.
Game Thread: Washington Commanders (12-5) at Detroit Lions (15-2)
Is a Raspberry Pi for Ham Radio for Me
Jeff Daniels breaks out the guitar to sing a song about The Curse of Bobby Lane on the Lions!
“Loren, there are five types of people in this world…”
Niles is Savage
The toilet paper rip lines don't line up into an exact line
Winlink Setup for Yaesu FT-991a
Has anyone else experienced very poor quality apparel from the official store?