I’m launching a challenge:- Can I cold email a billionaire and get anything I want?
How fu**ed up do you have to be to be walking with your child while watching a soccer game on your phone? My thoughts in the description
The Rookie vs SWAT (End of Watch send off)
2019 vs 2025 photos. Dude has aged 20yrs
Irony doesn’t exist on planet Wes.
So Wes is definitely a cuck, right?
Posso fare il biglietto sul treno pagando con carta? Se si, pago una maggiorazione oppure il prezzo è lo stesso?
I've seen a lot of bad parking in my life, but this dude hands down takes the cake
Can anyone pls tell me if this is oral thrush or candida? How severe is it? (I've always had geographic tongue btw). This white thing appeared a month ago and I'm getting worried
Who's fired up about Wes going back to court on the 7th? How do you see it play out?
Are there any more breaks until the end of season 8 or will it be on every week until episode 22?
Avendo guidato solo col cambio manuale non capisco perchè il tipo tocchi il cambio. E' giusto per oppure ha cambiato qualche impostazione?
WHAT A WEIRDO‼️ She's smiling thru the pain of being physically harassed on camera. This guy is a LUNATIC‼️
What do the yellow parts mean?
What does “pull up” mean?
Best degree or path to pursue right now?
If you had $17,000 a year to invest in a skill what would it be?
“His English is very bad. He can’t even say a single English sentence.” “He can’t even say a single English word.” Do these sound natural?
Who do you hate more?
Deep Thoughts From 1509 For Wes Watson
Wes' neck bulge in 6 months...
🗣️YOU GUYSSSS‼️🗣️ALL of my favorite things & people in one PIC‼️🗣️MY D*CK is 5 FOOT 8 but I don’t know how to use IT‼️
What's the difference between "he dropped the ball" and "he shit the bed"?
I think instagram comments lately has turned into a great copy writing exercising platform! thoughts?