miku moment
Random fun question, for which element would your main be a bender?
why he bald
Guy got stuck, shenanigans ensued
Hero bans should be gold and up
Happens to the best of us
VXE Mad R Major 8K receiever question
Who Is Your Main So Far?
Novo nível de arrombice desbloqueado
XT Office X-Space é white label da HBADA E3? Vale a pena o preço?
Slay the princess is the only game that refuses to work on my modded switch
How different are you from your main irl?
Someone spammed forts in ice isle and made me clip into the backrooms
He's right behind me isn't he?
Elements Nemesis ou DT3 Frost? Estão com o preço bem parecido nessa black friday
Recomendação de cadeira até R$4000
Recomendação de cadeira para 1,80m e 90kg
Roast my interior renders
How did you die for the first time?
/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (October 17, 2024)
first time I’ve ever won a round
Anyone up to a Outer Wilds DS gameplay?
Greenhouse [BSL Shaders]
Brand new modded switch oled with green tint, is there any way to mitigate this issue?