Outjerked once again…
Will there be NPCs in GTA6 ? What do you think?
footage of zach's 32 month old offspring has resurfaced
The first dude did a perfect Zach scream
The Bell Smells
What's the humor supposed to be?
I’m not a Physicist, but I’m sure this is wrong.
Why did the knife make this face at waltuh? Was it trying to make fun of him?
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
I come in a time of need for a source to a specific moment that I can’t find
This is OneyPlays
Am I having a stroke or is this like a real thing
Bringing Politics to GTA 6
Why have so many people bought into the 70% of buildings are enterable leak
Here's your reminder that Tomar was a voice actor in one of the Alpha and Omega sequels.
Cory isn't reacting well to the 19th century england air
Who is right in this instance? 🤔
It's...Real? Will of the wisp
How Thor was born
What Is Your Favorite Song That Hardly Anyone Else Knows?
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
What is Trump’s aim? How is starting trade/tariff wars good for the American people? How is cutting Medicare/social security benefits good for people?
What's something you hated as a kid but love as an adult?
Be honest, did you maybe lost a bit of hype for now?
What city in America could a 25 year old man run away, to start a new life and have the best chances at good opportunities?