What tunes best?
Thoughts on this hand?
Gonna be my first maxed epic, what tune should I go for?
What to upgrade next, any cars that are used a lot in clubs?
What epic would you put a fuse into?
Best Tune for these?
Check out my mix! Minimal Tech House. Beginner Dj
Keep or fuse/(sell)? (Subaru Legacy, Alfa Romeo Dardo, Dodge Charger SRT-8)
Sell or keep to fuse? Second Subaru??
Any cars I could sell or fuse and any cars I need to bring in?
Any tips for just getting started? What should I be collecting and what races should I be doing?
Icon swaps 2 Who do I pick?
Icon swaps 2 Who do I pick? Please help
Icon swaps 2 Who do I take? This is my team in game.
Can anyone recommend which icons I should go for in icon swaps 2 please? This is my team I change to in game.
Need New Primes send offers
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Can anyone help me out final two players. I have objective Felipe Anderson
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My other subs
What ratings are people’s LTM cards at send pictures please, so I can see stats.
Team for Draft of the week!