What is this abomination?!
Pokemon Z-A gameplay like Digimon
They just updated the Fan Patch of Digimon World 1 Vice in which now you can have Vaccine MetalGreymon & Virus aka Blackweregarurumon, the team doing the patch are making the game more legendary as days go by
Wargreymon IS so hot...
Digimon World 1999 Gog Dreamlist Video
Summoner who’s skilled with gun warfare - that’s Yuna for you!
Is Digimon World PS1 worth playing right now?
I draw this nearly 6 years ago "For Father's Day" and still today on 2025, still don't regret it, because it "could" be even canon (and a bit violence for someones*)
What would Yuna ask ChatGPT?
Calling all haters, what’s a character you dislike?
"Romance of the Divine Generals" Event Discussion Thread (2025-02-26 to 2025-03-22)
The Crystarium system from XIII has been seen as a "Poor-man's Sphere Grid" because of how restricting it was in the first game. The Sequel improved on this, but it still wasn't as unique as Sphere Grid or the License Board. Your thoughts?
It’s TIDUS BI**H 😂
What is your opinion on Appmon as a concept?
This Is The Result Of Massive Character Growth In Yuna.
Series Tier List So Far
Is the 02 ending still canon‽
To this day I cannot believe this is an actual frame from a digimon anime...
What are the ideal PC specs requirements to play FFX?
Did you cry real tears after your first time finishing the game(s)?
I Just Finished Reading The Novel And Finished Listening To The Audio Drama, And What The Fuck Was That?
Yuna from FFX - still the most beautiful woman in gaming history?
This is how I roll, and I make no apologies.
Which is your favorite version of the iconic “Suteki Da Ne” FFX theme song?
I fucking hate malboros