Decades Kid = Decade You Learn How To Read & Write
This makes no sense
Which age group was what, when:
Which decade babies have the most in common with each other?
ITT: Millennials explain to Gen Z why Harry Potter is such a cornerstone in our generation
Please Help: No SIgnal or sound on anything!
Some in this sub have a weird obsession of trying to separate the late 90's birth years from each other.
Who on here is an early 90s baby and claims to be millennial and not Gen Z in anyway
How old were you in May 2011?
What song do you immediately think of when you think of Quarantine 2020?
Why do Gen Z/Zoomers love the 2000s but Millennials despise it?
38-year-old Milinneal sounds like a 68-year-old BabyBoomer
More Zillennial: 1994 or 2000?
How do you feel about the year you became of age in?
Gen Beta? Too Soon?
Why do some people born between 2000 and 2005 seem to have a superiority complex?
The Crown Season 3 Cast Change Ruined Series
Why do Gen Z/Zoomers love the 2000s but Millennials hate it?
VPN doesnt work for sports betting
Why are you guys so obsessed with gatekeeping 1996-1999
What makes you feel like you’re a zillennial?
Old Z 2010s Teens Progression Snapshots
Mid 90ers have more in common with mid 2000ers than with mid 80ers.
Generations of 1980-2012 borns according to different sources (Warning! Take this post with a grain of salt ⚠️)
Which generational label do you identify yourself (as of 2025)?