What’s the biggest shift in your mindset you’ve experienced so far?
hey INFJs, are you happy?
Do you struggle with low self esteem and insecurities?
Share what helps you stay happy?
What’s one thing you used to worry about a lot, but now realize it wasn’t worth stressing over?
I feel like I don’t belong.
INFJ’s first instinct is to run from emotions?
How do I stop hating myself?
What do you think of LDR?
Hello fellow infjs! Can i know your ages and what do u do for living? I’m new here and curious 👀
I am lonely , its pathetic
What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
How did you learn to draw?
At what age did you finally feel like an "adult"?
How many pillows do you have on your bed?
I don’t imagine myself doing this for the next 5-10 years in the future, any thoughts?
Has anyone else reached a point where everything has nuance and you are truly incapable of "black and white thinking"?
How can Infj ruin a relationship or marriage? With which characteristics?
What gives you the Strength to Keep Going when your Life is Falling Apart?
Are you a confident person? If yes, why?
I don’t think i farmed my identity yet
I'm definitely not an ENFP lurking here to see what INFJ are like 👀
Romantic love is the weakest form of love
Will I ever find my other half
Why is everyone’s dating profile so boring?