My euro coin fell apart in the washing machine
Ich: nee Schatz, laut Fehlerspeicher ist es nur ein 30€ Sensor mit einer Schraube. Auch ich:
Selenskyj dankt für Panzer und bittet um Raketen und Jets
Hello everyone, I am proud to announce my SLLC member application
Submitting my application for the SLLC (Huracán RWD)
Got 4 S cars for this event, but most likely 0% change to win it :(
What’s your favorite song that’s not in English?
The good news is it won’t be a hard decision whether I keep it (day 901 cf)
Next fuse for M5?
Is this sllc worthy?
I just pulled a thing... Am I still allowed in the SLLC?
Can I join the SLLC with this one?
Buy or pass?
Please god. Don’t give me too much hope. Currently 2nd in my bracket. Guy in first is unbeatable. This is my current hand.
Hope to god I can finally get tier 1
Do I have a chance? I have the fuse material to max 2 epics and an upgrade or two for a leggy.
Pilot makes PA on ATC frequency.
Tuned this car from 000 just for this
Finally after 1300 days i have chance for my only second prize car from this type of challenges, I'm f2p and first one i also won by using both SLRs
Is this a hidden gem or just an invitation to the SLLC? [Diablo 6.0 SE]
May i re-apply for the SLLC?
Am I deep into SLLC ? (F2P)
Iggy- can I come in?? SLLC
SLLC members unite!