There is no debate this is coolest thing of all time
Metal Sonic is to Shaow who shadow is to tails apparently
Revised Sandstorm team, any thoughts to make it better?
!!!FULL 3D MODEL!!! Spike Has Been Successfully Ripped From Ps1. Full 3D model.
When playing the OG crash trilogy do you guys use the D pad or analog stick?
So what does this Sub think about DPP OU?
What's your most lukewarm and hottest Eminem take?
Bugs when you lift up a rock:
How does this sub feel about RBY OU?
Why do people hate stall?
What is Eminem’s longest rhyme scheme?
for a few years I have been saying.. Eminem needs to look at the beatmakers who are doing great things
Wow he went crazy on this song
Which Eminem song is this?
If you could visit any level from Ape escape where would you go?
Name a bigger douche bag in gaming history
You have to choose 1 song from a game to play at your funeral. What are you choosing?
Name one album (any genre) that is better than MMLP
What song makes you do this and why is it Nice Guy?
Name a flawless Video game OST
The augment about lives/game overs being an outdated mechanic of the past is common. But what about knock back?
What is your "I did not care for The Godfather" Eminem take?
HOT TAKE : Encore by Eminem is an amazing album
Whats your guys’ top five em songs?