Who do you think the best film director?
Why some people are still stuck with flat earth?
What's a fact you wish you could erase from your brain just to be shocked by it again?
What makes reddit fun?
What is the cost of freedom?
What does it mean to belong?
Why smoking in movies looks cool?
What director(s) do you make it a point to watch everything they do?
What it feels when you are at the rock bottom?
Name a movie, any movie, that you would rate a 10/10.
Do you guys prefer Kindle or physical books?
What do you call the time period between when you wake up and when you actually get out of bed?
What is your favorite song with no lyrics?
What do you think the most intense scene in Nolan's movies?
What do you think about this?
We often talk about the best ending, but what's the best music ending for a Nolan movie?
What made you realize you're not young anymore?
What is something you WOULD wish on your worst enemy?
Say you get rich one day but can’t tell anyone. What signs would there be?
What movie made you say, "Holy shit there is still an hour left"?
What do you think about The Odyssey?