Unpopular opinion; Syrian government shouldn't give Palestinian refugees Syrian citizenship
The Pinnacle of Western Democracy
Syrians in germany protesting and insulting the german government?
Shower thoughts: لازم نتعاون عسكرياً وأمنياً مع الأردن أكتر من تركيا
Don't fall for Israeli propaganda
War with Israel seems inevitable (not because we want it but because they do)
US airstrike in northern Idlib
Details of the National Dialogue Conference revealed.
Sorry but today is a day of memes and gloating
إخواننا العرب بالسب... معقول مزعوجين من رسوم الفيزا؟
الحل مع قسد
Arab leaders summit. Thoughts??
What will Jolani get from the US in exchange for giving the locations of Islamist leaders?
What do most Syrians think about Islamic Caliphate?
Its been about 75 days since Bashar fled the country. Hows life in Syria changed since then?
Disgusting Claims against Armenians
Am I the Only One Left Whose Family Still Supports Assad?
AP: France’s Macron urges Syria’s interim government to join a US-led coalition fighting extremists
What are your thoughts on Syria's new leader?
Thoughts on the Moroccan monarchy?
Like let’s be for real now
Jolani is an agent to foreign intelligence services just like Bashar was (this is an opinion but based on common sense observations)
65 Civilians, Including One Child and Two Women, Killed by SDF Snipers in Two Months in Aleppo city - Report by SNHR organization.
Should our future government try to be a US ally ?
DOD drafting plans to withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria after recent Trump comments