Dreaded stairs
One ankle wider than the other
Uneven bone post-ankle ORIF
People doubting you had a break...
Almost 5 months post ankle break
How long were you in a boot? Trimal w/ dislocation
For those who need it: what’s your shower situation?
One Year Brankleversary
Your first fall after...
Recovery time?
First Walk Without Crutches
Best shoes for post ORIF?
People in wheelchairs/crutches who can’t walk how did your family handle you coming home from the hospital?
First out door walk
How are you keeping busy
Calves are uneven
Sci-Fi with real science
How do i itch with a plaster on?
In what order are you eating these valentines chocolates?
Low Syn Sweet Snacks!!!
Surgery complete!
Swiss cheese arm post hardware removal 🧀🦴
Does the swelling ever subside?
Issues after walking
Can someone help us read this?