I like the clear spots and clear shirmp so I can see whats going on inside my neos. Please show me your clear shrimp! Here are some examples:
My photography’s been a lil fishy lately.
Fish macro shots. The guppy was the hardest to get in focus.
Fish at 15x
Experimenting with diaphonization
Best place for lava rock
How do I avoid a snail infestation from a shipment?
Anyone ever do a vase build?
Add some aquarium soil, or leave as is?
New bowl set up
1.5g Opae Ula shrimp bowl.
(Unpopular Opinion) Stop posting pictures of your dead fish corpses.
Anubias varking! Got a few coming to me can’t wait.
A couple of my super nano tanks
90p Progress - Day 1 to Week 8
New camera is great for tank photography and macros.
Yellow Gymnopilus, Gymnopilus Luteus
Shrimps are in !
Nobody told her there's an egg shortage
Borneo loaches are neat
Lid Materials?
Macro shrimp shot.
Peapuffers in a community tank?
What's your theory that you can't prove, but that you think might hold up if someone were to do some real, legitimate research on it?