So are apartments just going to depreciate forever?
How do corporate pay rises make sense?
Childcare per day costs around the same as private school.
What is this?
I’m surprised he’s not sick constantly. That’s just simply unsanitary to not only use your hands to “clean” but not use no cleaning product. He said this isn’t rage bait…
This can’t be real
Petite girlie
So, once I give up on ever finding a partner, what's left? Why keep going at that point?
Anyone see her on sunrise?. Tried to share but not working. Go to sunriseon7 tiktok
New profile
Live Group Classes availability decreased for advanced levels?
Never beating the bear paw allegations
Why are there no Black people in leadership roles in corporate Australia?
Surgery update
Indy Clinton getting a nose job
Does she know what a Shakshouka is?
She looks like she needs a break.
She really does read everything we post
Do I need special Pilates socks or would thick, long socks be fine?
Culinary genius- a story dedicated to boiling eggs
Fidan’s minions and lemon shirt
She is live
Why is reddit so quick to tell couples to break up?
Question about dining at The Gidley
Fids is no friend of KMart