Can someone from the kindness of his heart give me gas i will give spirit and a 2m fruit. Im new so it would help a ton
Can anyone carry me in raids(order and raids)I got yeti 2 portal control and others:)
The second fruit rework
Why Are They Similar 🤔
Looking for 3 elliptic leaf stickers.
Is this worth anything?
Do anyone have like a spare west dragon physical, i wanna change from east to west, i have control to offer
Looking for offers.
How good is my supreme star amulet? (Blue hive.)
looking for somone to help me grind my portal mastery (152/200)
Need Help
Paying a buddha to anyone who can help me win one trial. (Race = rabbit.)
What accessory is the best for sword main?
Who can cary 5 raids for me
Paying a buddha to anyone who can host law raids who also has fist of darkness until i have core brain. ( I can solo the raid but help would be nice.)
Paying a control + buddha to anyone who can help me get core brain. (I don't have fist of darkness. Payment is afterwards.)
Levi hunt anyone? (Tiki)
Trading shadow for gravity
What can magma + quake + spider + love get me?
W or L?
Trading this cause i’m broke