What would you call this game?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
What made you a fan of The 1975?
Do you actually like your life?
What The1975 song/album do you think is Grammy worthy?
Workout routine for losing weight for an acting role.
Advice on my equipment and the equipment I should get.
Was this an emotionally/mentally abusive relationship?
I made an EP called Vailo. Feedback appreciated.
What drastically changed your body?
I made an EP called Vailo. Feedback and criticism would be much appreciated, thank you!
I'm having trouble understanding this. Wouldn't adding an "i" syllable make it say eiga not eega?
Last year I made my first EP ever called "Vailo''. I'm proud of it.
I made an EP called "Vailo.
[Feedback] I Like Cars - Vailo - Grunge
Last year I released my first ever EP "Vailo". I'm proud of it.
My EP "Vailo" was released last year and I'm proud of it.
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