What’s your dirtiest kink?
An unusual couple on the New York City subway, 1980.
An Undercover Police Officer apprehends a mugger on the New York Subway, 1985. Photo taken by Bruce Davidson. [1501 x 1000]
Liv Tyler Joaquin Phoenix and Jennifer Connelly in 1997
A street in Paris after weeks of garbage collector strikes
U.S. Marine Colonel Francis Fenton conducting the funeral of his son Private First Class Mike Fenton near Shuri, Okinawa, in May, 1945.
'20s Lady Sitting in a Toy Car with 2 friends. Looks like it's Flintstones powered.
Kate Moss and Johnny Depp, 1990s
Pregnant teen died agonizing sepsis death after Texas doctors refused to abort dead fetus
Aimo Koivunen was a Finnish soldier who overdosed on methamphetamine and Skied 250 miles living on pinecones before he was found weighing 94 lbs with a heart rate of 200. He went on to live for another 45 years!
Stuff like this is why I'm proud to be a Brit
The fun police are doing their usual thing in Facebook local community groups
British children taking shelter in a trench while watching an aerial battle overhead during the Battle of Britain on September 3, 1940.
My great grandfather wrote this letter to my grandfather. He was killed 8 days later.
How to get over the fear of getting cheated on (also rant)
AIW Mother asking for money
AIO? my boyfriend cheated on me with my bestfriend at my bday dinner
Normal British behaviour
Every single Brit would know what shop this is straight away.
Am I wrong for worrying about whether or not my boyfriend is telling the truth about his age?
AIO I just broke up with someone because they never washed their hands with soap.
My (30M) wife (30F) and counselor think I should just masturbate if I want sex more than once a month