When do uk pre orders go live?
New to Eldar!
Family (House) Photo?
r/GayUKLads Hookup Thread
turned 18 last week, do you think im a twink?
What next?
This box had been sitting on the shelf of my lfgs for too long. My first step in to Admech!
Looking for Feedback on a List for a Tournament
Brand New to Mechanicus
I finally caved
It's small ik
Is having two Castellans the point I can no longer say “I’m not a Knight player”?
Just read Horus Rising, FUCK Erebus
Besides Titans, what Forge World model would you love to see converted to a plastic kit?
What would you do to me? 🥺 [22]
(19) what would you do if you walked in on me like this? 🥵
[18] h-how many co-cocks can one get sent, m-may I test th-this on myself, dms open