Guys look what dock I got today
Help with frequent tandem sliding
You're turning right, which lane do you take?
Help getting CDL
What would you do differently?
What mid-life careers are out there with good earning potential and low barrier to entry?
I miss the simpler times
Brother is looking for jobs.
Rookie driver here. Embarrassed myself this morning. Tell me some of your bad day horror stories to cheer me up please.
Hirschbach local
My boyfriend can’t last in bed.
I want to believe it's real. Allegedly a 1953 Freightliner.
Lightning strikes the water surface with Scuba divers under it
Traffic jam
What is generally considered the best pickup truck in the US?
Favorite funny/obscure road signs?
highest level of education completed?
Bro came in hot
Did I dodge a bullet?
Az license questions
What do drivers do with the time off per day?
US-20 in Oregon
This Kia with trucker side mirrors
Why trucking ?
Question for PAID users of Trucker Path